Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Come Visit Wisconsin", No Jobs But Visit Us Anyway

If the Wisconsin Economy is so great why is Doyle raising all these taxes? Why are businesses ready to move out of Wisconsin?

With workers losing their jobs maybe we all can be a GREAT tourist attraction.

From Jo at Fox Politics.

"With Governor Doyle's budget proposing billions in new taxes and outlandish legal reforms that threaten his business, Mr. Radke has begun surveying other states' business climates. If the Governor's proposed budget becomes law, he fears he may have to relocate his business, and the jobs that go with it, out of state.

Radke is just one of over 150 Wisconsin business leaders to bring their concerns about state policies and proposals to the Wisconsin Jobs Now Task Force, a working group organized to address the lack of attention in Madison that is given to ideas to grow our economy and create jobs. " - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities

Thank You Diamond Jim Doyle, Steve Kagen and Dave Hansen. We couldn't do it without you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anyone Can Get One

"Wisconsin may become 2nd state to offer driver's cards to illegal immigrants
Plan would establish two-tiered license system

By SCOTT BAUER • The Associated Press • June 2, 2009

MADISON — Wisconsin may soon join Utah as the only states to issue illegal immigrants special cards that allow them to drive but not get other rights that traditional licenses hold." Wisconsin may become 2nd state to offer driver's cards to illegal immigrants | | Green Bay Press-Gazette


Well it's been a while since I posted here. I try to post waste and fraud in Government. Need to rev up the base. July 4th is just around the corner.