Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Libs Fear Of Palin

Tony Lee via Market Place of Ideas.

"The contempt with which Democrats and liberals, and some non-Democrats and non-liberals, hold Palin oozes across your monitor. Lee has a potential reason:

First, these critics probably have never fully listened to any of her speeches. Rather, like Attorney General Eric Holder, who recently admitted that he went on Meet The Press to criticize a law — Arizona’s recently passed immigration laws — that he has not even read or been briefed about, these critics are merely parroting popular misconceptions about Palin and thinking they are original and smart in doing so.

But I think there’s something else at work here. I think liberals and those in the mainstream media fear her. Sure, they openly say she has no chance of beating President Obama — if she even runs, that is; but, inside, they must fear that she could very well beat President Obama in a one-on-one match-up. And unlike previous Republicans whose conservatism has been diluted once they got to Washington, Palin does not seem to care in the least what the establishment class — on both sides of the aisle — thinks of her. If she does come to Washington, her conservatism and convictions won’t get watered down. She’ll come to Washington to change it and not let Washington change her. In the end, this, more than anything, is what scares the left-leaning members of the establishment and chattering class. And also why conservatives gravitate towards and are willing to fight harder for her. "
Marketplace of Ideas Blog

YOU GO GAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rick Santelli Does It Again

This morning on CNBC I seen this and wondered if we would see a you tube of Rick Santelli rip a liberal democrat on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Why is it only said by Rick Santelli?

I know this is from John Boehner's office but why don't republicans say this to democrats more often?

Are they AFRAID of the MSM?

Let us not forget it was Rick who started the tea party movement. This makes my autograph from Rick Santelli worth a lot more.

Thank You Mr Santelli.
"CNBC’s Rick Santelli Rips Key Democrat For Ignoring Fannie/Freddie Reform
Dems’ Financial “Reform” Leaves Taxpayers on the Hook for Government Mortgage Giants

Washington, May 11 - Follow @GOPLeader on Twitter for updates.

Democrats still don’t get it, and they refuse to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government mortgage companies that sparked the meltdown by giving high-risk loans to people who couldn’t afford it. Standing up for American taxpayers, CNBC’s on-air editor, Rick Santelli teed off on Rep. Paul Kanjorski’s (D-PA) claim that Democrats’ couldn’t reform Fannie & Freddie in their financial regulation bill because it was “too complicated,” asking: “It’s too complicated? You think taxpayers that go to work to pay the money you are subsidizing, it will end up a half a trillion, do you think they think complicated is an excuse?”
" CNBC’s Rick Santelli Rips Key Democrat For Ignoring Fannie/Freddie Reform | Republican Leader John Boehner

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now That's What We're Talking About

From Rush Limbaugh show.
"RUSH: Now, the Obey question. This is from Dave Weigel, who is a blogger at the Washington Post: "What do we know about the retirement of Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.)? Why would one of the most powerful men in Congress, elected in 1969[er], in a district that went for the Obama-Biden ticket, bail out of reelection? Republicans point to the campaign of Sean Duffy, a telegenic (literally) district attorney who raised a lot of money, built a following among national conservatives and, according to everything I'm hearing, was giving Obey a real battle in his internal polls. I've talked to Duffy several times and been so impressed -- and so convinced that this was the sort of race that would determine this was a good or a watershed year for Republicans -- that I dubbed him the No. 3 conservative to watch this year." The bottom line is here" David Obey, one of the most powerful men in Congress elected 1969er, in a district that went for Obama-Biden is quitting because he's being outpolled by a dyed-in-the-wool conservative Republican. Not a "moderate" Republican, not an "independent" Republican but a dyed-in-the-wool conservative Republican. Once again: A teachable moment.

David Obey (D-WI) Says "No Mas"