Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tea Parties, Places and Times

April 15th is tax day and that means tea parties in Wisconsin.

Constitution Tea Party
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Rothschild Pavilion
1104 Park Street

Meg Ellefson (organizer)
patriots@wausauteaparty.com (organizer phone)
In commemoration of the anniversary of the Wausau Grassroots Tea Party Movement and in honor of the United States Constitution, The Wausau Tea Party with special guests presents: Tax Day Tea Party & Constitution Forum Thursday, April 15, 2010 5:30-7:30pm Rothschild Pavilion 1104 Park Street – Rothschild, WI

TEA Rally
Thursday, April 15, 2010
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Washington Park
1101 Washington Street

Patricia Kohlman (organizer)
920-732-3200 (organizer phone)
Come see the "Town Crier," Play "Name that Tax," and march in the "Parade of Signs." County Coord. Pat Kohlman to speak on "The 2010 Revolution." Guest speakers include: Rob Taylor, Candidate for US Senate and David King, Candidate for Wi Sec of State.

Wisconsin Rapids
"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -- don't you relish those famous words from the Declaration of Independence? Is that still the hope and promise of America today? Or are those becoming empty words as government takes over more and more of our lives? There will be a grass-roots, nonpartisan Tea Party on Tax Day, April 15, at noon. We will gather at the river, across from the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune building.

Please come and join us as we take a stand for liberty!

Diane Wickstrom

Wisconsin Rapids" Letter: Local Tea Party event set for April 15 | wisconsinrapidstribune.com | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune

"Date April 15th, 2010
Time 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Sponsor ,Americans for Prosperity & Tea Party Associates

Location State Capitol"
Listing of AFP Events

"Thursday, April 15, 2010
Taxpayer Tea Party, Appleton
6:00 pm, Fox Banquets, 111 E. Kimball St. "
FoxPolitics.net - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities

Monday, April 12, 2010

U P Tea Party Stupak News

From the Escanaba Daily News
"Tea Party rolls into Esky
By Dionna Harris
POSTED: April 10, 2010

ESCANABA - The Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party Express held a rally in Escanaba's Ludington Park Friday, where around 500 residents turned out to hear what was being said.

Citing the need for a return to smaller government and constitutional ideals, most people in attendance Friday agreed with the message being delivered.

Several people in attendance carried flags expressing their frustrations, including several that read "Don't Tread on Me," - a flag popular during the Revolutionary War."
Tea Party rolls into Esky - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

"Attendees react to Stupak’s retirement
By Dionna Harris
POSTED: April 10, 2010

ESCANABA - The announcement Friday by Congressman Bart Stupak that he was not seeking re-election was greeted enthusiastically by people attending the Tea Party rally in Ludington Park.

Bill Isetts Sr., of Escanaba, who was present for the rally, said he supported what the grassroots organization stood for.

"Enough is enough already," said Isetts. "The current health care legislation stinks.It's as phony as a $3 bill."

Isetts also said as the government continues to take more and more money, it is becoming ridiculous and no one in Washington is listening."
Attendees react to Stupak’s retirement - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press

"Residents express support for Stupak
By Laura Mead
POSTED: April 10, 2010

ESCANABA - Many were shocked to learn of Congressman Bart Stupak's decision to retire, an announcement he made Friday. Local residents shared their reactions - which included disappointment, sadness and understanding - to the news that the man who had represented the Upper Peninsula for 18 years would step down.

Several local residents said they would be sorry to see Stupak vacate his seat. Many felt he represented the Upper Peninsula well and worked hard for the well-being of his constituents.

"I hate to see him step down because he's done a lot for Michigan," said Peg Bartol, Escanaba. "With his wisdom and knowledge of our area, it's sad to see him step down.""
Residents express support for Stupak - DailyPress.net | News, Sports, Jobs, Escanaba Information | The Daily Press