Thursday, October 29, 2009

Republicans Death Wish

Why are republicans taking conservatives lightly?
From Political Integrity.

"Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking!

Donald Borsch Jr. Posted by Donald Borsch Jr. on Oct 28th, 2009 and filed under Donald Borsch Jr"
Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking! | Political Integrity Now
Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking!

From World Net Daily


Rush Limbaugh livid: GOP has death wish

‘As dangerous to this country as the Democrat Party is’

Posted: October 27, 2009
7:42 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh says the Republican Party has a death wish – and is as dangerous to the United States as the Democrat Party and its czars.

Limbaugh’s comments came today as he was discussing the race for Congress in New York’s 23rd district, where the GOP picked a liberal nominee to oppose a liberal Democrat, passing over a conservative candidate who wanted to represent the GOP, a candidate now pursuing the seat as a third-party candidate.

“They have a death wish. The Republican Party has a death wish. Gallup: 40 percent of Americans now say they are conservative, 20 percent say they’re liberal, 36 percent say they’re moderates. And of those three groups, which one is being ignored – not just ignored – which one is being attacked by the Republican Party? The conservatives! ” Limbaugh said today.

Why are Republicans throwing 40% of people under the bus?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

45 Years Ago, Same Today As It Was Then

From Rush
Now, this dovetails very nicely, and we're going to start very soon on some of these sound bites from this speech. You've got to hear them. People say, "Rush, we need to uplifted, we need to inspired, we need to be motivated." Well, you're gonna get that today before we start attacking Obama's health care plan, the latest folly with Harry Reid and so forth. There's a great piece in the UK Telegraph today -- you get real journalism over there -- this is by Nile Gardiner. "Barack Obama Has Failed to Defeat Conservatism in America." He plays off that Gallup poll, 40% of the people in this country say they are conservative, 20% say they are liberal, 36% say they are independent. Now, Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator, and he appears frequently on television, both here and in Great Britain. The point of this is that not only are we not defeated, we are rising from the ashes, we're fighting in the shade out there but we are fighting. After you listen to some of Ronald Reagan's Goldwater speech from October 27, 1964, I'll share with you some of the details here from Nile Gardiner. Here's cut one, Ronald Reagan.
From You tube and the Reagan Library.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Political Child Of Ronald Reagan

Try 2 Focus with some GREAT comments about Sarah Palin.
Go to his post for the whole story.

Dr. Clouthier, in an op-ed over at Pajamas Media, makes the case that it has. And that champion is Sarah Palin.

She’s shown that one doesn’t need the press (ie – the state-run media) to get a message out.
"Not surprising considering it underestimated how ticked off its own base is at it.

The Republican establishment made another miscalculation last year. They underestimated the resolve and force of the tea party movement. These folks are ticked. They are angrier at the Republican establishment than they are at President Obama and his Marxist minions. In fact, this trouble was brewing all through the presidential campaign and even before. It all started, really, with the notion of “compassionate conservative” — an idea both insulting and inherently false. Conservatism is compassionate. Conservatism is something to be proud of, not something to hide.

So the Republicans have seemed as stunned with the tea partiers as the tea partiers are stunned at their party. The grassroots folks have had it. They’re tired of being disrespected. They’re tired of being told to pipe down and go along to get along when the candidates the party picks stink and then lose. (Source: Sarah Palin Strikes Back – Pajamas Media)

They’re also looking for a champion who can help steer the Republican Party back to its conservative roots. By going against the establishment this week, Sarah Palin showed she is that champion. She’s willing to stand up for conservatism when the elitist establishment won’t. Unlike the Republican establishment she realizes what needs to be done to take this country back.

Perhaps that’s why Josh Painter over at Texas for Sarah Palin made this point recently.

Call Sarah Palin a political child of Reagan, one of his disciples, a soldier in his army or whatever allegorical device works for you. The bottom line is the same: Reagan showed everyone how he led his revolution, but many seem to have forgotten. Not Sarah Palin. She has studied Reagan’s blueprints and committed them to memory. She’s the contractor who can win the bid to reconstruct his coalition. All she has to do is submit it. The construction workers are ready to get on with the job. (Source: Sarah Palin: Political Progeny of Ronald Reagan – Texas for Sarah Palin)

The question is will the Republican Party listen to Sarah Palin and its base, now that a champion has drawn the line-in-the-sand? Will it finally wake up and start choosing conservatism over Democrat Lite?" Try 2 Focus

When Will They Join Us

The difference between a conservative and the rest! From The New York Post
"Take back the Party!
Last Updated: 4:29 AM, October 25, 2009

Posted: 12:26 AM, October 25, 2009
The 23rd Congressional District in upstate New York is locked in an election battle that echoes far beyond Watertown. When the local Republican party nominated Assembly member Dede Scozzafava, some conservatives balked, objecting that her positions (on gay marriage, abortion and spending) are too liberal. Local businessman Doug Hoffman decided to run as the Conservative Party candidate to oppose both the Democrat, Bill Owens, and Scozzafava in the November election. Hoffman tells The Post why the Republican Party needs to return to its base.

At this time, three months ago, I was wrestling with a decision. A decision as to whether or not to run in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the new secretary of the Army, John McHugh. If you had told me 90 days later I would be penning an op-ed piece for the New York Post, I would have laughed in disbelief. I would have laughed even louder had you told me that I would be receiving endorsement and support from political leaders like Fred Thompson, former Majority Leader Dick Armey, or Sarah Palin. Or appearing on broadcast media with national audiences, as their hosts peppered me with questions about the future of the GOP and our nation.

You see I’m not a professional politician; I’ve never sought elected office. I grew up poor in Saranac Lake, in the heart of the Adirondacks. My siblings and I were raised in a single-parent household by our mother. We worked to help her pay the mortgage. But, like so many others in this great land, I worked hard, got a good education, did a six-year stint in the military, married, landed a good job with a “big eight” accounting firm and started living the American dream.

It’s funny what can happen in America, when you are able to dream and have the courage to follow your dreams. At 27 I was hired as controller of the organizing committee for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Three years later I bought the accounting firm that employed my mother. Now I have six offices spread across the northern reaches of New York and a dozen other small businesses in the Adirondacks that employ my wife, children and hopefully someday, my grandchildren. I am living the American Dream.

The reason I’m running for office is to ensure that others share the same opportunities.

Sadly, that dream is quickly becoming a nightmare. Unemployment grows, our economy is in crisis, and our elected officials seem out of touch with reality. Government in Albany is a disgrace; it’s the most dysfunctional in the nation. New York has six statewide elected officials, only two of them have been elected by the people. Three of the remaining four hold office as a result of the scandals, sexual and financial, that forced a governor and a comptroller to resign.

It’s just as bad in Washington. The Obama administration suffers from the illusion that the way you solve problems, both social and economic, is to throw money at them.In the meantime, Congress fiddles while our economy burns. They lack common sense.

They don’t seem to get it that increased spending leads to higher taxes and fuels a projected $9 trillion deficit. That earmarks and pork-barrel spending might be beneficial to their political careers, but are devastating to the taxpayers who foot the bill. They are oblivious to the fact that tort reform, cutting of waste, and the introduction of free-market solutions are the ways to lower the cost of health care. That Obama-care will only lead us down the slippery slope to socialized medicine.

They are addicted to spending. When they run low on funds they simply create a new tax or raise an old one.

Taxes, the deficit, red tape and regulation are breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.

Americans have had enough and are vocalizing their anger in town hall meetings and on the streets of Washington. They are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore!

That’s why I am running. I am one of them!

Freedom is what Americans want. Economic freedom to reap the rewards of the free enterprise system, personal freedom from the intrusion of big government in our lives, freedom from the nanny state that is being forced upon us.

I’m a lifelong Republican running as the nominee of the New York State Conservative Party. I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the party left me. The GOP bosses in New York and Washington felt the candidate needed to be as liberal as possible. They picked a professional politician, with a voting record more liberal than 46 Democrats in the New York state legislature. They threw principles out the window. Their candidate has voted for increased spending, higher taxes, gay marriage and abortion. She supports “Card Check” (EFCA) and is supported by trial lawyers, gay activists and Big Labor. In 2008 she ran on the line of the radical left Working Families Party, ACORN’s political party in New York.

The battle I wage is not a lonely one. Like-minded citizens in the district, the state and the nation have joined me in this fight.

It is a battle that has been joined by current and former elected Republican officials, conservative activists and members of the ever-growing Tea Party and 9/12 movements. And if the GOP picks liberal candidates for the midterm congressional elections next year, they may find that there are a lot more people out there like me who won’t go along. We are not going to win by becoming more like the Democrats. We’re going to win by standing up for our beliefs.

It’s principle over party.

It’s a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. It’s a fight for fiscal responsibility and the return of common sense to those who govern us.

This is a fight for our children’s future. It’s a fight for America.

Notice the words Mr Hoffman uses. " worked hard, living the American dream, out of touch with reality, taxpayers who foot the bill, addicted to spending and breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren. They threw principles out the window. They are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore!"

Words, all spoken from the heart. Spoken as an American. Spoken as a conservative and not a RINO.

Some questions. When will the republican party come back to it's senses? Are the leaders , the movers and shakers and ones who know better then we in it for money, for power , for the status or just think they are better then the rest of us? When will they come to there senses?

I ask the question, when will they join us?

Where are more conservative candidates? Where are conservatives running for school boards, for town or county supervisors, for state representatives, for congress and senate. Where are the candidates that speak from the heart about the love of this country and the want to take it back? The candidates that are not leaning to the center, not trying to be inclusive and not twisting in the wind for political gain?

2010 is still a year away but the lines are drawn. We will not hold our noses in the ballot box or vote for the lesser of two evils. We're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!

Every time true conservatism is tried, is spoken, is lived, it always succeeds and always wins!

Where are more conservative candidates?
Good luck Doug Hoffman and to the rest of conservatives stepping forward to take back this country.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Barracuda Coming To Wisconsin

Sara coming to Wisconsin.

From the Maritime Sentry.

"Wisconsin Right to Life will be presenting Sarah Palin. Of course, we are extremely excited to have Gov. Palin coming to Wisconsin. If you are in the area come and hear the governor speak. All the details are here.
" The Maritime Sentry

Friday, October 23, 2009

Going Rogue From November 05, 2008

Listen at the 3:08 mark on the video.

Eat your hearts out RINO's.

Barracuda Oct. 2009

From VotingFemale Speaks.

"Sarah Palin – Just Say NO to RINOs; backs Doug Hoffman (video)
October 23, 2009 · 85 Comments" Sarah Palin – Just Say NO to RINOs; backs Doug Hoffman (video) « VotingFemale Speaks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Message to GOP and RINO's

From Michelle Malkin.
"Message to GOP: Can you hear conservatives now?
By Michelle Malkin • October 22, 2009 12:00 PM

From reader Barnaby, who sent back his crossed-out Republican solicitation forms with a “NO RINOS” sticky note for Newt Gingrich:"
 Michelle Malkin » Message to GOP: Can you hear conservatives now?

NY-23 Conservative Candidate

From Michelle Malkin.

"A message from NY-23 conservative candidate Doug Hoffman
By Doug Hoffman • October 17, 2009 09:54 AM

(Note from Michelle: This is a special guest post from NY-23 conservative congressional candidate Doug Hoffman. Please spread the word about the Nov. 3 special election and show your support. All hands on deck!)

It’s time for conservatives to show the Republican establishment who’s in charge
By Doug Hoffman" Michelle Malkin » A message from NY-23 conservative candidate Doug Hoffman

There’s nothing like a drop in the polls to bring out a candidate’s principles.

With her numbers plummeting – and mine rising – and only three weeks left until the election in NY-23, Dede Scozzafava has decided she needs to change her stripes to get conservative votes.

Specifically, she’s changed her position on income taxes. One would have expected more hostility to taxes earlier in the campaign, since she had a leadership role in her brother’s company as it racked up almost $200,000 in unpaid tax liens. But alas.

On August 18 Scozzafava’s campaign called my signing of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge a “stunt”:

Matthew A. Burns, campaign spokesman for Republican candidate Dierdre K. Scozzafava, said Mr. Hoffman’s pledge was a “stunt,” and did not indicate if his candidate would sign.

On October 1 Scozzafava herself publicly promised not to sign the pledge:

Scozzafava said she won’t sign the pledge because the income tax is just one form of tax, and that more people could be impacted if, for example, you refuse to increase income taxes under any circumstances but raise other taxes or fees instead.

But after two weeks of conservatives and independents abandoning her in droves to support my campaign, she has had a foxhole conversion:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Dede Scozzafava, a Republican running in New York’s 23rd Congressional district, recently signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).

I wouldn’t want to interrupt this show of steely principled resolve, but isn’t it slightly problematic to break a promise in the act of making another promise? Is there any lesson here except that Dede Scozzafava will say or sign whatever she thinks is mostly likely to get her elected?

I don’t think conservatives will be fooled. The more they learn about Dede Scozzafava, the worse she does in the polls. And the more they learn about my campaign, the better we do.

We can win this thing, but we’re up against limited time and an awful RNC and NRCC decision to support a liberal candidate.

Well, if the Republican Party wants to declare war against conservatives, I’m going to fight on the side of conservatives.

If you want to join my fight, I need you. We need money and we need volunteers – boots on the ground. If you can help, go to my website and sign up. Then show up.

It’s time for conservatives to show the Republican establishment who’s in charge.

Link to Doug Hoffman's web site in case you want to contribute.

Conservatives Doing Whats Right In Wisconsin.

From Dad 29 and Fox Politics
"Seven of eight Monroe County supervisors fell Tuesday in a recall election over their support for a proposed $26.7 million justice center.

"I think it sends a message, not just in this county but all across the state, that people are sick and tired of government officials ignoring the people,"

We can only hope.

Screw the bastards!" Dad29
From the LaCrosse
"Almost a total recall: 7 Monroe County supervisors ousted

By PAUL MEDINGER Tomah Journal/Monitor-Herald | Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:30 am | (17) Comments

The recall election in Tomah involved Wards 1 to 7.
Monroe County board recall

Unofficial vote totals in Tuesday's recall election:

* District 5: Andy Kaftan 145, Teresa Pierce (i) 108.
* District 10: Rich Powell 377, Simon Wells (i) 105.
* District 11: Carrol Wallerman (i) 152, Tom Arndt 129.
* District 12: John Powell 116, James Kuhn (i) 114.
* District 16: Larry McTaggart 293, James Schilling (i) 51.
* District 18: Dan Olson 316, Charles Schwarz (i) 42.
* District 20: Brian Buswell 40, Robert Helming (i) 36.
* District 21: Bill Blanchard Jr. 91, Pete Peterson (i) 57.

SPARTA - Seven of eight Monroe County supervisors fell Tuesday in a recall election over their support for a proposed $26.7 million justice center.

Only Carrol Wallerman of the town of Ridgeville, who represents District 11, survived the recall effort mounted by a taxpayers group whose earlier efforts to get a public referendum on the project had been rebuffed.

The Monroe County Taxpayers Relief Committee targeted 13 supervisors who supported going forward with building the center on a site on the east edge of Sparta, adding a 200-bed jail as well as space for the sheriff's department, three Circuit Court branches, the county Justice Department and other offices.

In an advisory referendum in the city of Sparta only on where to build the justice center, the results overwhelmingly favored the current courthouse location in downtown Sparta to the so-called "dog pound" site on the city's outskirts by a vote of 1,065 to 161.

Tuesday's election results dim the prospects the center still will be built, as it gives opponents a majority on the board.

Dennis Clinard, chairman of the Monroe County Taxpayers Relief Committee, said the results are a mandate for change.

"I think it sends a message, not just in this county but all across the state, that people are sick and tired of government officials ignoring the people," Clinard said while gathered with group members Tuesday at a Sparta residence.

The closest race was in District 12, where challenger John Powell edged incumbent Jim Kuhn by two votes. Kuhn and any other candidate has 10 days to file for a recount.

The newly elected members likely will be seated on the board Oct. 28.

Board Chairman Dennis Hubbard still faces a recall election Nov. 3 against Jim Schroeder.

"We are all committed tonight to turn our efforts to make sure that we win the race for Jim Schroeder," Clinard said.

The board in February 2008 had approved $30 million in bonding for the justice center after nearly two decades of debate over jail overcrowding and security.

The faltering economy, along with the project's price tag, motivated supervisors to place a moratorium on the project in December, but it expired in April and was not renewed.

Supporters said the center would solve chronic overcrowding in the jail and a lack of space for a new third Circuit Court judge that will be seated in August 2010.

Opponents argued the price tag was too high for current economic conditions and the county might not be able to afford running the facility when built. They pushed for further study of alternatives, including expanding the existing 144-year-old courthouse.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Department has had an average daily population of 118.4 inmates in 2009, according to Sheriff Dennis Pedersen. The jail can house 50 to 60 inmates; the rest must be sent to jails in other counties, at a cost of more than $1 million a year.

The board took bids on the project last month, with a total base of $25.4 million. The addition of seven alternate bids pushed the total to $26.7 million, still less than the original $30 million estimate. The bids were opened Sept. 23 and are good for 90 days.

Voter turnout Tuesday varied in the county, with about 1,000 casting ballots in the city of Sparta, while only about 220 came to the city of Tomah polls, said County Clerk Shelly Bohl.

"When you look at Sparta's population, I would say it was a fair turnout," Bohl said. "The City of Tomah was quite low.""
Almost a total recall: 7 Monroe County supervisors ousted

I thought the La Crosse area leaned heavy to the left. Kind, Obama votes. Good to see most people in Monroe County are waking up. Good for them. Conservatives are getting sick and tired of the crap that politicians are pulling on all Americans. The tide is turning.

Conservatives, The Driving Force

Time to ramp up this web site.

I did not do a very good job lately but think it's time to go forward.

Seems too many people are fed up with the republican party.