Friday, December 18, 2009

Wisconsinites, Your God-Given Right

More from the Wisconsin paper of record, The Lakeland-Times.
"12/14/2009 11:46:00 AM
How easily Wisconsinites forget their basic rights

By James Gleason

It has become apparent over the last 20 years that the people of this state have forgotten their very rights of which this country was founded.

In this coming year, the gun rights advocates in this state are uniting in a movement that will campaign against any state representative, senator or legislator who does not support an individual's God-given right to keep and bear arms or their God-given right to self-defense.

That's right, a campaign against incumbents and candidates who do not support these rights.

Wisconsin has long been a state that is always the last to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to such issues. Now it would seem that through some corrupt movement of the city government of Milwaukee, just maybe there will be some legislation for a firearms carry bill in Wisconsin.

Well, let's not jump for joy just yet. Let's look at the means of infringement that will follow.

First, the Legislature will try to impose as many obstacles as possible to be able to exercise this God-given right.

Starting with a ridiculously unaffordable permit fee and then imposing a mandate on training that will again be ridiculously unaffordable to the average citizen. Without a doubt, following these will be gun and gun owner registration.

So let's look at these issues.

First, the United States Supreme Court has on many occasions stated that a person does not have to be permitted, pay a fee, be trained or registered to exercise their rights under the Constitution.

With that in mind, why doesn't the Legislature in Wisconsin set an example by adapting the Vermont system of firearms carry? This would make sense.

Instead, there is already talk of mandatory training. Why would you need to be trained to do something you already know? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to use a firearm. Training should only be an option and nothing more.

There are already so-called firearms instructors lining up and weaseling their way to the legislative training with no other thought in mind than lining their pockets with greenbacks at the citizen's expense. Any legislator in support of these weasels will surely get compensation of some kind.

Being permitted, to exercise a right; makes that right nothing more than a privilege.

Therefore, Wisconsin should pass a no compromise concealed carry/open carry, non-permitted system such as Vermont's, which is the oldest recognized system in the country. If it works for Vermont it can work for Wisconsin. After all, if the legislators are only going to copy another state's system then why not Vermont's?

The unconstitutional firearms laws that plague this state are the cause of the high crime rates we enjoy today.

The gun-free school zone laws which have already been declared unconstitutional at the federal level do nothing more than assist criminals who ignore these laws anyway.

Why can't the legislators or this state understand that if the teachers and law-abiding adults at Columbine High School would have been armed the outcome would have been different and the massacre would have ended with fewer deaths or injuries?

The same goes with Virginia Tech. Do you think this cannot happen in Wisconsin? Think again.

The gun-free school zone law needs to be amended to read that no person may carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school used for the education of children in grades K-12, illegally or for unlawful purposes.

It is as simple as that.

This would allow law-abiding citizens to carry within the school zone for self-defense and for the defense of others.

The transportation restriction for firearms in this state are nothing more than an extension of the long arm of the already corrupt Department of Natural Resources trying to restrict and infringe on our rights.

A firearm must be unloaded, encased and out of your reach in order to be transported legally in Wisconsin.

With that in mind, if you are being carjacked, simply request that the carjacker wait until you have retrieved your firearm from the trunk or farthest out-of-reach area of your vehicle and load it before resuming the carjacking. I am sure the carjacker will understand and abide by your request. Or you can always just give up your vehicle with possibly your children and your firearm inside in an effort to save yourself.

Why should these legislators ever be allowed to put us in such a position? They shouldn't. It is abuse of authority and blatant infringement on our rights.

How about the law which states, that you cannot carry a firearm into a business that sells alcohol for consumption on the premises.

Let me bring to your attention the true story of former Texas legislator Susanna Hupp. I will quote a Wikipedia article which reads,

"On Wednesday, October 16, 1991, Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen. She had left her handgun in her car to comply with Texas state law at the time which forbade carrying a concealed weapon. When George Hennard drove his truck into the cafeteria and opened fire on the patrons, Hupp instinctively reached into her purse for her weapon, but it was in her vehicle. Her father, Al Gratia, tried to rush Hennard and was shot in the chest. As the gunman reloaded, Hupp escaped through a broken window and believed that her mother, Ursula Gratia, was behind her. Hennard put a gun to her mother's head as she cradled her mortally wounded husband. Hupp's mother and father were killed along with 21 other persons. Hennard also wounded some 20 others. As a survivor of the Luby's massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that had there been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant."

Don't think this could happen in Wisconsin or to your family? Think again.

Look to the recent terrorist incident at Fort Hood. Again, Wisconsin paid the price for not allowing Americans to defend themselves. We lost two of our soldiers because even on a military base, our soldiers are not allowed to carry a firearm for self-defense.

What has happened to our country that we will allow our soldiers to carry a weapon in foreign lands but not here at home? God bless our soldiers who have lost their lives because of these ridiculous laws.

Another blatant infringement on our rights is the law that states you cannot carry a firearm into a building which is owned by the government or its subdivisions or in state parks.

This means you cannot protect yourself from a serial killer who may be stalking the state parks in search of their next victim, nor can you use the public bathrooms in city parks or on county trails. I guess you have to simply leave a yard biscuit on the lawn or disarm and leave your firearm lying on the grass outside the bathroom.

Maybe you could ask a passerby (who may even be a felon) to hold the firearm for you until you exit the bathroom.

Am I the only one who sees just how ridiculous these laws are?

I hope not.

This coming January when the new Legislature session begins, it is hopeful that the Castle Doctrine allowing a person to defend themselves and their families within their private property will pass legislation and become a law that will be signed into law by the governor. Keep in mind this is one of the most anti-gun governors Wisconsin has ever had. So don't hold your breath, he is not looking to do us any favors. He has an armed entourage at his disposal so he could care less about your ability to defend yourself or your family without having to worry about being sued by the criminal or the criminal's family for doing so.

Make an effort to become familiar with your rights and remember a right not exercised is a right lost.

Check out and sign the petition to repeal or amend these ridiculous laws and stop the infringement on our rights.

Call your state representative or state senator and demand that they support the Castle Doctrine and legislation for a no-compromise open carry/concealed carry non-permitted system here in Wisconsin. Tell them if they don't support your rights as afforded to you under the U.S and the Wisconsin constitutions, you will not support them at election time.

It is time we as law-abiding citizens take a stand. Wisconsin should stand united.

James Gleason, 46, is a sergeant for the Department of Corrections and currently resides in Chilton. He also has family ties to the Minocqua area.

" How easily Wisconsinites forget their basic rights

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This Day In History 1773

"The Boston Tea Party, 1773

Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the war's conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war. Royal ineptitude compounded the problem. A series of actions including the Stamp Act (1765), the Townsend Acts (1767) and the Boston Massacre (1770) agitated the colonists, straining relations with the mother country. But it was the Crown's attempt to tax tea that spurred the colonists to action and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution. "
The Boston Tea Party, 1773

The colonies refused to pay the levies required by the Townsend Acts claiming they had no obligation to pay taxes imposed by a Parliament in which they had no representation. In response, Parliament retracted the taxes with the exception of a duty on tea - a demonstration of Parliament's ability and right to tax the colonies. In May of 1773 Parliament concocted a clever plan. They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before. However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliament's right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life - it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea.

The colonists were not fooled by Parliament's ploy. When the East India Company sent shipments of tea to Philadelphia and New York the ships were not allowed to land. In Charleston the tea-laden ships were permitted to dock but their cargo was consigned to a warehouse where it remained for three years until it was sold by patriots in order to help finance the revolution.

In Boston, the arrival of three tea ships ignited a furious reaction. The crisis came to a head on December 16, 1773 when as many as 7,000 agitated locals milled about the wharf where the ships were docked. A mass meeting at the Old South Meeting House that morning resolved that the tea ships should leave the harbor without payment of any duty. A committee was selected to take this message to the Customs House to force release of the ships out of the harbor. The Collector of Customs refused to allow the ships to leave without payment of the duty. Stalemate. The committee reported back to the mass meeting and a howl erupted from the meeting hall. It was now early evening and a group of about 200 men, some disguised as Indians, assembled on a near-by hill. Whopping war chants, the crowd marched two-by-two to the wharf, descended upon the three ships and dumped their offending cargos of tea into the harbor waters.

Most colonists applauded the action while the reaction in London was swift and vehement. In March 1774 Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston. The fuse that led directly to the explosion of American independence was lit.

Take your tea and shove it.

You know the rest of the story.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Nevada RINO

"RINO's", there all over the place. Commentary from the Nevada Appeal.
"What exactly is a RINO? RINO stands for “Republican In Name Only,” a derogatory term used by conservatives to describe Republican elected officials who vote like, well, Democrats. And to ascertain whether or not some Nevada Republican state legislators are RINOs, let's take a Jeff Foxworthy-like look at the 2009 Legislature:

If you're a Republican who voted for Democrat Assemblywoman Barbara Buckley to be Speaker of the Assembly for the 2009 legislative session, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a $292 million tax hike on the state's lifeblood, tourism, as a payoff to the teachers' union, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill to increase the cost of obtaining a government-issued marriage license, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a nanny-state bill that allows the government to tell you how long your dog leash has to be, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill to increase fuel taxes, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill to require government registration for off-road vehicles, including a hefty new government registration fee, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill in which the government tells private hospitals how many nurses they have to hire, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill to require that all cigarettes sold in Nevada be self-extinguishing, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill forcing employers to give workers time off to go to school plays and sporting events, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill making the taxpayer-funded position of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities permanent, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a nanny-state bill that expands police powers by making failure to wear a seatbelt a “primary” offense, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a bill that raids local governments and shifts local money into the state government's coffers, you might be a RINO.

If you voted for a spending bill that increased government spending by about $800 million over and above the governor's proposed budget, you might be a RINO.

Now, if you're a Republican legislator and you voted for all of these bills in the 2009 legislative session, it's not that you “might” be a RINO, you are a RINO.

The above, by the way, is the voting record of Republican state Assemblyman Tom Grady. If it walks like a RINO and votes like a RINO….

• Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy grassroots advocacy organization. "
Commentary: You might be a RINO if… |

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bachmann Has The Right Message


From the
"The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America

Right-wing radicals are already pinning presidential ambitions on a mother-of-five from Minnesota who calls herself a 'fool for Christ' and condemns Obama as a socialist at the head of a gangster regime

Paul Harris in New York
The Observer, Sunday 15 November 2009"
The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer
She is a striking brunette with a decidedly outspoken attitude. She lambasts President Barack Obama as a socialist and has become the darling of America's right-wing activists who flock to her appearances. She is hated by liberals and loved by conservatives.

Sarah Palin? Not quite. Meet Michele Bachmann, a Republican congresswoman from Minnesota who is being hailed as a new and increasingly powerful voice in American politics.

Bachmann, at 53, is a darling of the so-called Tea Party movement, which has campaigned vociferously against healthcare reform, the economic stimulus package and legislation to combat climate change. Her followers have been behind mass rallies in Washington and smaller ones all over the country. She has emerged as one of the most visible politicians in America, frequently appearing on the conservative Fox News channel, whose hosts often champion her causes.
She is part of an increasingly visible "female brand" of conservatism that is rising in America in the wake of the election of Obama. They include notable syndicated commentators such as Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter, whose dislike for liberals has grown ever more shrill in recent months. And, of course, Palin herself. She is still a giant of the political and media landscape and next week embarks on a book tour to sell her autobiography. It has already sparked a media frenzy, with a heavily hyped appearance on Oprah Winfrey's show, and become a huge bestseller on pre-orders alone.

Michele Bachmann has a message that resonates with conservatives. Wish we had her in the 8th district.

Marinette Wis. Tea Party Dec. 5th


From the Peshtigo Times.
"Letter to the Editor:

Are you concerned about the direction the liberal Congress and Presidency are taking our country? Is there anxiety over trillions of dollars that are planned for future programs with little provision of how to pay for it?

Join us at a tea party in Marinette on Saturday, Dec. 5. The event is planned for 1 p.m. at Theater on the Bay. At the party there will be speakers on several topics of concern regarding the impact of government gone wild.

You will have a chance to meet other conservative Marinette County people who like you see constitutional freedoms slipping away. Above all, you will be encouraged to support conservative candidates in the coming elections. Please come out and help to turn our country around before it is too late.


Clifford Teachout,


[UW Marinette rents its facilities to outside organizations and groups and abides by UW Systems facilities usage policies and county property policies. UW Marinette assumes no role in sponsoring or endorsing any views expressed in any events scheduled in its rented facilities.]"
Peshtigo Times Wisconsin Community Newspaper

Link to map directions.

I am trying to verify information. Since it was published in the Peshtigo Times, we will assume a firm date, time and place to TEA PARTY. Anyone with any other information please let me know to pass it along.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Someone Please Talk To Newt

From the Swamp.
"by Mark Silva
Gingrich: Contract with America round 2
Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker and purveyor of the GOP "Contract With America'' that helped his party win control of the House after President Bill Clinton's election, says GOP chairman Michael Steele has started work on a new framework for 2010 that he is calling "First principles.''

"I've been talking with Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, '' Gingrich said today, speaking with students at C-SPAN's Cable Center Class."
Gingrich: Contract with America round 2: The Swamp

Can someone talk to Newt, either join the democrat party or go away.
We don't want moderates, we want conservatives.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Texas Talk

From the
Perry says Obama taking U.S. toward socialism
By Jason Embry | Thursday, November 12, 2009, 07:40 AM

Governor uses s-word in front of Midland crowd …

Gov. Rick Perry had some pretty strong comments about the Obama administration on Wednesday in Midland, saying, “This is an administration hell-bent on taking America towards a socialist country.”"
Perry says Obama taking U.S. toward socialism | First Reading

Walker / Palin

From Charlie Sykes.

Scott Walker meets barracuda.

"After Sarah Palin spoke to 4,000 people at a Wisconsin Right-to-Life event last Friday night, she met for thirty minutes with Scott Walker, the Milwaukee County executive and the Republican frontrunner for governor in 2010. With incumbent Democrat Jim Doyle not seeking re-election, Walker is favored by many GOP powerbrokers to win the September primary next year and perhaps beat whomever the Democrats nominate." Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather | Charlie Sykes

This is a lot better meeting then the one Walker had with Newt Gingrich. I support Scott Walker but if he invites Gingrich again, he will get an earful from a lot of people, I'll be the first.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Reason For Tea Parties


From Rush Limbaugh and an editorial at the Southeast
"Mr. Obama: I'm calling you out
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
By William Piercey Sr.

The new era of government control over our lives and freedoms has begun. This week, it got personal, and I felt helpless.

The doctor overseeing my health care advised me to get an H1N1 flu shot. I've been under a six-year treatment program for a chronic infection, plus I have heart and lung problems. Therefore, I am considered a high risk. Fortunately, my doctor had three shots available, but I would have to get approval from my county health department. Much to my surprise, the woman at the health department apologized and told me that even though I was a senior citizen at high risk, the health department had been instructed to approve shots only for children and pregnant mothers. I asked when a shot for my situation might be available. "We really don't know. Check back with us sometime in December."

What? The terrorist detainees in Gitmo are getting shots this month. Why not a high-risk senior citizen?

Mr. Obama, this is what we call health care rationing, which you claim won't happen under a government-run health care program.

If George W. Bush was considered the Barney Fife of executive power, then welcome to the Chicago-style politics of the new Vito Corleone family. The president himself, like a strong-armed enforcer, said in a nationally televised speech, "If you misrepresent anything in this plan, I will call you out." This administration has turned the once dignified and esteemed Oval Office into a war room for its liberal propaganda.

On his first day in office, the president signed the Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel executive order. During the campaign he vowed to keep lobbyists out of the administration. But in Section 3 of this order is a waiver clause. The director of the Office of Management and Budget "may grant" a written waiver of any restrictions. Former lobbyists were given waivers and now hold key positions in government. Mr. Obama, you lied.

At the same time lobbyists were coming in the front door, dozens of new unvetted, hand-picked ideologues were being shuttled in the back door. Many of these people were placed in key policymaking positions. U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was worried about 18 of these unvetted czars, 10 of whom worked in the White House. An amendment to force these appointees to testify in oversight hearings was shot down by the Democratic leadership. Collins was especially concerned about Carol Browner, who negotiated fuel-economy standards with the auto industry. She even sent a letter to Obama, and one of his counsels replied that no one would be made available. This administration fears no one, especially a senator who dares to enforce something as minor as checks and balances. Obama promised transparency. He lied.

On the topic of transparency, the $787 billion stimulus bill was a progressive Trojan horse. It's loaded with political favors and programs that set up the infrastructure for education, health care and climate change. It was passed and signed in a matter of weeks. This was not a bill to put Americans back to work. Obama said it would produce 3.5 million jobs in two years. Over the past year the administration has changed its story daily but finally settled on the "create or save" propaganda. Obama also said the bill would keep unemployment under 8 percent. The rate has climbed to over 10 percent. Either his economic advisers are incompetent and need to be fired, or, once again, Mr. President, you lied.

Mr. President, you said you didn't want to run our car companies and banks, but you do. With the $350 billion in TARP funds left by President Bush, Obama's people continued the surge of bailouts. Americans might be shocked to know the recipients of bailout money now total 727 institutions. This government control in the private sector is unprecedented.

Government-run health care, card check, cap-and-trade, net neutrality, control of radio stations and possible newspaper bailouts are just part of this administration's agenda.

It's time for Americans to get in this government's face and call it out. This coup d'etat can be defeated. We have the numbers, the votes and the will power to turn back this assault on our individual freedoms.

With 15 million unemployed Americans, I'm sure we can find a few willing patriots to fill all those upcoming vacant seats in Washington, especially with an annual salary of $170,000, office, staff, insurance, expense account and, best of all, a three-day workweek. The only requirements for this job are honesty, integrity and a love of country.

William Piercey Sr. is a Cape Girardeau resident." Story: Mr. Obama: I'm calling you out

Friday, November 6, 2009

Where Are 2010 Candidates, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

From Yahoo Finamce. Hope and change just keeps on coming.
"U.S. jobless rate climbs to 10.2 percent
 On 8:46 am EST, Friday November 6, 2009

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. employers cut a deeper-than-expected 190,000 jobs in October, government data showed on Friday, driving the unemployment rate to 10.2 percent, the highest in 26-1/2 years."

The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since April 1983. It revised job losses for August and September to show 91,000 fewer jobs lost than previously reported.

U.S. jobless rate climbs to 10.2 percent - Yahoo! Finance

Jobs, jobs, jobs. We need candidates for 2010. School boards, local, state, and federal.
In Wisconsin, who will run against
Russ Feingold?
Steve Kagen? Will candidates running against Steve Kagen figure this out.
Dave Hansen?
Tom Baby Face Nelson?
Penny Bernard Schaber?
Throughout the rest of the country, let's find candidates that will fix this economy, Jobs, jobs, jobs!

To conservative people of this country, you need to push the right people into running for elections. Take back this country!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wisconsin 8th District Tea Party Meeting

If you care about the Wisconsin 8th district, one of the first steps begin tomorrow to find a conservative candidate to run against Steve Kagen in 2010.

"8th Congressional District - Candidate Forum

Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:30pm
The Grand Meridian, 2621 N. Oneida St, Appleton

" Take Back Your Government!! « Fox Valley Initiative

Will we find a Scozzafava candidate like from New York? Who will play the roll of the RINO?
See you there. Food for thought.
From a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show.
"We're Americans. We're conservatives," and this party should have no difficulty fighting the greatest challenge that we face in the history of this nation right now.

From Rush himself.
We are a big-tent party. Our "tent" is the United States of America. We want everybody in this country in our party -- and we do not look at people and see skin color, sexual orientation, or gender or ethnicity. We see Americans.
Looking for a conservative candidate. 

Is this just another piece of paper?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Republicans Death Wish

Why are republicans taking conservatives lightly?
From Political Integrity.

"Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking!

Donald Borsch Jr. Posted by Donald Borsch Jr. on Oct 28th, 2009 and filed under Donald Borsch Jr"
Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking! | Political Integrity Now
Rush Limbaugh says what you were thinking!

From World Net Daily


Rush Limbaugh livid: GOP has death wish

‘As dangerous to this country as the Democrat Party is’

Posted: October 27, 2009
7:42 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Talk-radio icon Rush Limbaugh says the Republican Party has a death wish – and is as dangerous to the United States as the Democrat Party and its czars.

Limbaugh’s comments came today as he was discussing the race for Congress in New York’s 23rd district, where the GOP picked a liberal nominee to oppose a liberal Democrat, passing over a conservative candidate who wanted to represent the GOP, a candidate now pursuing the seat as a third-party candidate.

“They have a death wish. The Republican Party has a death wish. Gallup: 40 percent of Americans now say they are conservative, 20 percent say they’re liberal, 36 percent say they’re moderates. And of those three groups, which one is being ignored – not just ignored – which one is being attacked by the Republican Party? The conservatives! ” Limbaugh said today.

Why are Republicans throwing 40% of people under the bus?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

45 Years Ago, Same Today As It Was Then

From Rush
Now, this dovetails very nicely, and we're going to start very soon on some of these sound bites from this speech. You've got to hear them. People say, "Rush, we need to uplifted, we need to inspired, we need to be motivated." Well, you're gonna get that today before we start attacking Obama's health care plan, the latest folly with Harry Reid and so forth. There's a great piece in the UK Telegraph today -- you get real journalism over there -- this is by Nile Gardiner. "Barack Obama Has Failed to Defeat Conservatism in America." He plays off that Gallup poll, 40% of the people in this country say they are conservative, 20% say they are liberal, 36% say they are independent. Now, Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator, and he appears frequently on television, both here and in Great Britain. The point of this is that not only are we not defeated, we are rising from the ashes, we're fighting in the shade out there but we are fighting. After you listen to some of Ronald Reagan's Goldwater speech from October 27, 1964, I'll share with you some of the details here from Nile Gardiner. Here's cut one, Ronald Reagan.
From You tube and the Reagan Library.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Political Child Of Ronald Reagan

Try 2 Focus with some GREAT comments about Sarah Palin.
Go to his post for the whole story.

Dr. Clouthier, in an op-ed over at Pajamas Media, makes the case that it has. And that champion is Sarah Palin.

She’s shown that one doesn’t need the press (ie – the state-run media) to get a message out.
"Not surprising considering it underestimated how ticked off its own base is at it.

The Republican establishment made another miscalculation last year. They underestimated the resolve and force of the tea party movement. These folks are ticked. They are angrier at the Republican establishment than they are at President Obama and his Marxist minions. In fact, this trouble was brewing all through the presidential campaign and even before. It all started, really, with the notion of “compassionate conservative” — an idea both insulting and inherently false. Conservatism is compassionate. Conservatism is something to be proud of, not something to hide.

So the Republicans have seemed as stunned with the tea partiers as the tea partiers are stunned at their party. The grassroots folks have had it. They’re tired of being disrespected. They’re tired of being told to pipe down and go along to get along when the candidates the party picks stink and then lose. (Source: Sarah Palin Strikes Back – Pajamas Media)

They’re also looking for a champion who can help steer the Republican Party back to its conservative roots. By going against the establishment this week, Sarah Palin showed she is that champion. She’s willing to stand up for conservatism when the elitist establishment won’t. Unlike the Republican establishment she realizes what needs to be done to take this country back.

Perhaps that’s why Josh Painter over at Texas for Sarah Palin made this point recently.

Call Sarah Palin a political child of Reagan, one of his disciples, a soldier in his army or whatever allegorical device works for you. The bottom line is the same: Reagan showed everyone how he led his revolution, but many seem to have forgotten. Not Sarah Palin. She has studied Reagan’s blueprints and committed them to memory. She’s the contractor who can win the bid to reconstruct his coalition. All she has to do is submit it. The construction workers are ready to get on with the job. (Source: Sarah Palin: Political Progeny of Ronald Reagan – Texas for Sarah Palin)

The question is will the Republican Party listen to Sarah Palin and its base, now that a champion has drawn the line-in-the-sand? Will it finally wake up and start choosing conservatism over Democrat Lite?" Try 2 Focus

When Will They Join Us

The difference between a conservative and the rest! From The New York Post
"Take back the Party!
Last Updated: 4:29 AM, October 25, 2009

Posted: 12:26 AM, October 25, 2009
The 23rd Congressional District in upstate New York is locked in an election battle that echoes far beyond Watertown. When the local Republican party nominated Assembly member Dede Scozzafava, some conservatives balked, objecting that her positions (on gay marriage, abortion and spending) are too liberal. Local businessman Doug Hoffman decided to run as the Conservative Party candidate to oppose both the Democrat, Bill Owens, and Scozzafava in the November election. Hoffman tells The Post why the Republican Party needs to return to its base.

At this time, three months ago, I was wrestling with a decision. A decision as to whether or not to run in a special election to fill the seat vacated by the new secretary of the Army, John McHugh. If you had told me 90 days later I would be penning an op-ed piece for the New York Post, I would have laughed in disbelief. I would have laughed even louder had you told me that I would be receiving endorsement and support from political leaders like Fred Thompson, former Majority Leader Dick Armey, or Sarah Palin. Or appearing on broadcast media with national audiences, as their hosts peppered me with questions about the future of the GOP and our nation.

You see I’m not a professional politician; I’ve never sought elected office. I grew up poor in Saranac Lake, in the heart of the Adirondacks. My siblings and I were raised in a single-parent household by our mother. We worked to help her pay the mortgage. But, like so many others in this great land, I worked hard, got a good education, did a six-year stint in the military, married, landed a good job with a “big eight” accounting firm and started living the American dream.

It’s funny what can happen in America, when you are able to dream and have the courage to follow your dreams. At 27 I was hired as controller of the organizing committee for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Three years later I bought the accounting firm that employed my mother. Now I have six offices spread across the northern reaches of New York and a dozen other small businesses in the Adirondacks that employ my wife, children and hopefully someday, my grandchildren. I am living the American Dream.

The reason I’m running for office is to ensure that others share the same opportunities.

Sadly, that dream is quickly becoming a nightmare. Unemployment grows, our economy is in crisis, and our elected officials seem out of touch with reality. Government in Albany is a disgrace; it’s the most dysfunctional in the nation. New York has six statewide elected officials, only two of them have been elected by the people. Three of the remaining four hold office as a result of the scandals, sexual and financial, that forced a governor and a comptroller to resign.

It’s just as bad in Washington. The Obama administration suffers from the illusion that the way you solve problems, both social and economic, is to throw money at them.In the meantime, Congress fiddles while our economy burns. They lack common sense.

They don’t seem to get it that increased spending leads to higher taxes and fuels a projected $9 trillion deficit. That earmarks and pork-barrel spending might be beneficial to their political careers, but are devastating to the taxpayers who foot the bill. They are oblivious to the fact that tort reform, cutting of waste, and the introduction of free-market solutions are the ways to lower the cost of health care. That Obama-care will only lead us down the slippery slope to socialized medicine.

They are addicted to spending. When they run low on funds they simply create a new tax or raise an old one.

Taxes, the deficit, red tape and regulation are breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.

Americans have had enough and are vocalizing their anger in town hall meetings and on the streets of Washington. They are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore!

That’s why I am running. I am one of them!

Freedom is what Americans want. Economic freedom to reap the rewards of the free enterprise system, personal freedom from the intrusion of big government in our lives, freedom from the nanny state that is being forced upon us.

I’m a lifelong Republican running as the nominee of the New York State Conservative Party. I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the party left me. The GOP bosses in New York and Washington felt the candidate needed to be as liberal as possible. They picked a professional politician, with a voting record more liberal than 46 Democrats in the New York state legislature. They threw principles out the window. Their candidate has voted for increased spending, higher taxes, gay marriage and abortion. She supports “Card Check” (EFCA) and is supported by trial lawyers, gay activists and Big Labor. In 2008 she ran on the line of the radical left Working Families Party, ACORN’s political party in New York.

The battle I wage is not a lonely one. Like-minded citizens in the district, the state and the nation have joined me in this fight.

It is a battle that has been joined by current and former elected Republican officials, conservative activists and members of the ever-growing Tea Party and 9/12 movements. And if the GOP picks liberal candidates for the midterm congressional elections next year, they may find that there are a lot more people out there like me who won’t go along. We are not going to win by becoming more like the Democrats. We’re going to win by standing up for our beliefs.

It’s principle over party.

It’s a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. It’s a fight for fiscal responsibility and the return of common sense to those who govern us.

This is a fight for our children’s future. It’s a fight for America.

Notice the words Mr Hoffman uses. " worked hard, living the American dream, out of touch with reality, taxpayers who foot the bill, addicted to spending and breaking the back of the nation, mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren. They threw principles out the window. They are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore!"

Words, all spoken from the heart. Spoken as an American. Spoken as a conservative and not a RINO.

Some questions. When will the republican party come back to it's senses? Are the leaders , the movers and shakers and ones who know better then we in it for money, for power , for the status or just think they are better then the rest of us? When will they come to there senses?

I ask the question, when will they join us?

Where are more conservative candidates? Where are conservatives running for school boards, for town or county supervisors, for state representatives, for congress and senate. Where are the candidates that speak from the heart about the love of this country and the want to take it back? The candidates that are not leaning to the center, not trying to be inclusive and not twisting in the wind for political gain?

2010 is still a year away but the lines are drawn. We will not hold our noses in the ballot box or vote for the lesser of two evils. We're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!

Every time true conservatism is tried, is spoken, is lived, it always succeeds and always wins!

Where are more conservative candidates?
Good luck Doug Hoffman and to the rest of conservatives stepping forward to take back this country.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Barracuda Coming To Wisconsin

Sara coming to Wisconsin.

From the Maritime Sentry.

"Wisconsin Right to Life will be presenting Sarah Palin. Of course, we are extremely excited to have Gov. Palin coming to Wisconsin. If you are in the area come and hear the governor speak. All the details are here.
" The Maritime Sentry

Friday, October 23, 2009

Going Rogue From November 05, 2008

Listen at the 3:08 mark on the video.

Eat your hearts out RINO's.

Barracuda Oct. 2009

From VotingFemale Speaks.

"Sarah Palin – Just Say NO to RINOs; backs Doug Hoffman (video)
October 23, 2009 · 85 Comments" Sarah Palin – Just Say NO to RINOs; backs Doug Hoffman (video) « VotingFemale Speaks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Message to GOP and RINO's

From Michelle Malkin.
"Message to GOP: Can you hear conservatives now?
By Michelle Malkin • October 22, 2009 12:00 PM

From reader Barnaby, who sent back his crossed-out Republican solicitation forms with a “NO RINOS” sticky note for Newt Gingrich:"
 Michelle Malkin » Message to GOP: Can you hear conservatives now?

NY-23 Conservative Candidate

From Michelle Malkin.

"A message from NY-23 conservative candidate Doug Hoffman
By Doug Hoffman • October 17, 2009 09:54 AM

(Note from Michelle: This is a special guest post from NY-23 conservative congressional candidate Doug Hoffman. Please spread the word about the Nov. 3 special election and show your support. All hands on deck!)

It’s time for conservatives to show the Republican establishment who’s in charge
By Doug Hoffman" Michelle Malkin » A message from NY-23 conservative candidate Doug Hoffman

There’s nothing like a drop in the polls to bring out a candidate’s principles.

With her numbers plummeting – and mine rising – and only three weeks left until the election in NY-23, Dede Scozzafava has decided she needs to change her stripes to get conservative votes.

Specifically, she’s changed her position on income taxes. One would have expected more hostility to taxes earlier in the campaign, since she had a leadership role in her brother’s company as it racked up almost $200,000 in unpaid tax liens. But alas.

On August 18 Scozzafava’s campaign called my signing of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge a “stunt”:

Matthew A. Burns, campaign spokesman for Republican candidate Dierdre K. Scozzafava, said Mr. Hoffman’s pledge was a “stunt,” and did not indicate if his candidate would sign.

On October 1 Scozzafava herself publicly promised not to sign the pledge:

Scozzafava said she won’t sign the pledge because the income tax is just one form of tax, and that more people could be impacted if, for example, you refuse to increase income taxes under any circumstances but raise other taxes or fees instead.

But after two weeks of conservatives and independents abandoning her in droves to support my campaign, she has had a foxhole conversion:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Dede Scozzafava, a Republican running in New York’s 23rd Congressional district, recently signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).

I wouldn’t want to interrupt this show of steely principled resolve, but isn’t it slightly problematic to break a promise in the act of making another promise? Is there any lesson here except that Dede Scozzafava will say or sign whatever she thinks is mostly likely to get her elected?

I don’t think conservatives will be fooled. The more they learn about Dede Scozzafava, the worse she does in the polls. And the more they learn about my campaign, the better we do.

We can win this thing, but we’re up against limited time and an awful RNC and NRCC decision to support a liberal candidate.

Well, if the Republican Party wants to declare war against conservatives, I’m going to fight on the side of conservatives.

If you want to join my fight, I need you. We need money and we need volunteers – boots on the ground. If you can help, go to my website and sign up. Then show up.

It’s time for conservatives to show the Republican establishment who’s in charge.

Link to Doug Hoffman's web site in case you want to contribute.

Conservatives Doing Whats Right In Wisconsin.

From Dad 29 and Fox Politics
"Seven of eight Monroe County supervisors fell Tuesday in a recall election over their support for a proposed $26.7 million justice center.

"I think it sends a message, not just in this county but all across the state, that people are sick and tired of government officials ignoring the people,"

We can only hope.

Screw the bastards!" Dad29
From the LaCrosse
"Almost a total recall: 7 Monroe County supervisors ousted

By PAUL MEDINGER Tomah Journal/Monitor-Herald | Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:30 am | (17) Comments

The recall election in Tomah involved Wards 1 to 7.
Monroe County board recall

Unofficial vote totals in Tuesday's recall election:

* District 5: Andy Kaftan 145, Teresa Pierce (i) 108.
* District 10: Rich Powell 377, Simon Wells (i) 105.
* District 11: Carrol Wallerman (i) 152, Tom Arndt 129.
* District 12: John Powell 116, James Kuhn (i) 114.
* District 16: Larry McTaggart 293, James Schilling (i) 51.
* District 18: Dan Olson 316, Charles Schwarz (i) 42.
* District 20: Brian Buswell 40, Robert Helming (i) 36.
* District 21: Bill Blanchard Jr. 91, Pete Peterson (i) 57.

SPARTA - Seven of eight Monroe County supervisors fell Tuesday in a recall election over their support for a proposed $26.7 million justice center.

Only Carrol Wallerman of the town of Ridgeville, who represents District 11, survived the recall effort mounted by a taxpayers group whose earlier efforts to get a public referendum on the project had been rebuffed.

The Monroe County Taxpayers Relief Committee targeted 13 supervisors who supported going forward with building the center on a site on the east edge of Sparta, adding a 200-bed jail as well as space for the sheriff's department, three Circuit Court branches, the county Justice Department and other offices.

In an advisory referendum in the city of Sparta only on where to build the justice center, the results overwhelmingly favored the current courthouse location in downtown Sparta to the so-called "dog pound" site on the city's outskirts by a vote of 1,065 to 161.

Tuesday's election results dim the prospects the center still will be built, as it gives opponents a majority on the board.

Dennis Clinard, chairman of the Monroe County Taxpayers Relief Committee, said the results are a mandate for change.

"I think it sends a message, not just in this county but all across the state, that people are sick and tired of government officials ignoring the people," Clinard said while gathered with group members Tuesday at a Sparta residence.

The closest race was in District 12, where challenger John Powell edged incumbent Jim Kuhn by two votes. Kuhn and any other candidate has 10 days to file for a recount.

The newly elected members likely will be seated on the board Oct. 28.

Board Chairman Dennis Hubbard still faces a recall election Nov. 3 against Jim Schroeder.

"We are all committed tonight to turn our efforts to make sure that we win the race for Jim Schroeder," Clinard said.

The board in February 2008 had approved $30 million in bonding for the justice center after nearly two decades of debate over jail overcrowding and security.

The faltering economy, along with the project's price tag, motivated supervisors to place a moratorium on the project in December, but it expired in April and was not renewed.

Supporters said the center would solve chronic overcrowding in the jail and a lack of space for a new third Circuit Court judge that will be seated in August 2010.

Opponents argued the price tag was too high for current economic conditions and the county might not be able to afford running the facility when built. They pushed for further study of alternatives, including expanding the existing 144-year-old courthouse.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Department has had an average daily population of 118.4 inmates in 2009, according to Sheriff Dennis Pedersen. The jail can house 50 to 60 inmates; the rest must be sent to jails in other counties, at a cost of more than $1 million a year.

The board took bids on the project last month, with a total base of $25.4 million. The addition of seven alternate bids pushed the total to $26.7 million, still less than the original $30 million estimate. The bids were opened Sept. 23 and are good for 90 days.

Voter turnout Tuesday varied in the county, with about 1,000 casting ballots in the city of Sparta, while only about 220 came to the city of Tomah polls, said County Clerk Shelly Bohl.

"When you look at Sparta's population, I would say it was a fair turnout," Bohl said. "The City of Tomah was quite low.""
Almost a total recall: 7 Monroe County supervisors ousted

I thought the La Crosse area leaned heavy to the left. Kind, Obama votes. Good to see most people in Monroe County are waking up. Good for them. Conservatives are getting sick and tired of the crap that politicians are pulling on all Americans. The tide is turning.

Conservatives, The Driving Force

Time to ramp up this web site.

I did not do a very good job lately but think it's time to go forward.

Seems too many people are fed up with the republican party.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Health Care Questions For Congresman Kagen, Wis. 8th

It started with "I Got Your Questions Right Here" from Lakeshore Laments. Now Ol' Broad takes us to the next step. Specific sections and page numbers of the house health care bill.

Now here is somethings we can ask Congressman Kagen at his listening sessions on
Monday and Tuesday. Let's see if he brings a copy of the bill and will anyone ask him if he read it?

Driving Map to Green Bay session Monday, August 3, 2009, 7:00 PM

Driving Map to Appleton session. Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 10:00 AM
From An Ol' Broad's Rambling. For those who doubt.
HR 3200 Should NEVER See The Light Of Day! , An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings
I will highlight some for you to think about. It's long but well worth the read.

If you need something to put on your a sign, try section, page # and two or three words like Sec 122 Page 29 "No Health Rationing"

Remember when making signs, keep it short and sweet. Don't write a book. Remember the KISS method. "Keep It Simple Stupid"

If you care about your freedom, BE THERE Monday, Tuesday or both listening sessions.

I also copied all of the pdf so the MSM can do their homework for Monday and Tuesday. Sorry, won't happen, wishful thinking.

Obama Administration’s Health Care Plan
HR 3200 currently under consideration in the House of Representatives

• Sec. 113, Pg. 21-22 of the Health Care (HC) Bill MANDATES a government audit of the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure in order to “ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure”!
• Sec. 122, Pg. 29, Lines 4-16 - YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED!
• Sec. 123, Pg. 30 - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE deciding what treatments and benefits you get.
• Sec. 142, Pg. 42 - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!
• Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 - HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.
• Sec. 163, Pg. 58-59 beginning at line 5 - Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID health care card will be issued!
• Sec. 163, Pg. 59, Lines 21-24 - Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
• Sec. 164, Pg. 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations (ACORN).
• Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14 - Government is creating an HC Exchange to bring private plans under government control.

• Sec. 203, Pg. 84 - Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private Health Care plans in the exchange.
• Sec. 203, Pg. 85, Line 7 - Specifications of benefit levels for plans means that the government will define your HC plan and has the ability to ration your health care!
• Sec. 205, Pg. 95, Lines 8-18 - The government will use groups (i.e., ACORN & AmeriCorps) to “inform and educate” (sign up) individuals for government plan.
• Sec. 205, Pg. 102, Lines 12-18 - Medicaid-eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No freedom to choose.
• Sec. 223, Pg. 124, Lines 24-25 - No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “administrative of judicial review” against a government monopoly.
• Sec. 225, Pg. 127, Lines 1-16 - Doctors – the government will tell YOU what you can make. “The Secretary shall provide for the annual participation of physicians under the public health insurance option, for which payment may be made for services furnished during the year.”
• Sec. 312, Pg. 145, Lines 15-17 - Employers MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan.
• Sec. 313, Pg. 149, Lines 16-23 - ANY employer with payroll $400,000 and above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.
• Sec. 313, Pg. 150, Lines 9-13 - Businesses with payroll between $251,000 and $400,000 who do not provide public option pay 2-6% tax on all payroll.
• Sec. 401.59B, Pg. 167, Lines 18-23 - ANY individual who does not have acceptable care, according to government, will be taxed 2.5% of income.
• Sec. 59B, Pg. 170, Line 1 - Any NONRESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care.)
• Sec. 431, Pg. 195, Lines 1-3 - Officers and employees of HC Administration (government) will have access to ALL Americans’ financial and personal records.
• Sec. 441, Pg. 203, Lines 14-15 - “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.
• Sec. 1121, Pg. 239, Lines 14-24 - The government will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income and poor are the ones affected.
• Sec. 1121, Pg. 241, Lines 6-8 - Doctors, it does not matter what specialty you have; you’ll all be paid the same. “Service categories established under this paragraph shall apply without regard to the specialty of the physician furnishing the service.”
• Sec. 1122, Pg. 253, Lines 10-23 - The government “validates work relative value units” (sets value of doctor’s time), professional judgment, methods etc. (defining the value of humans).
• Sec. 1131, Pg. 265 - Government mandates and controls productivity for private HC industries. “Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Updates that Do Not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.”
• Sec. 1141, Pg. 268 - The government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
• Sec. 1145, Pg. 272 - Treatment of certain cancer hospitals: Cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing!
• Sec. 1151, Pg. 280 - The government will penalize hospitals for what government deems preventable readmissions (incentives for hospital to not treat and release).
• Sec. 1151, Pg. 298, Lines 9-11 - Doctors, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission and the government will penalize you for that action.
• Sec. 1156, Pg. 317, Lines 13-20 - “PROHIBITION on physician ownership or Investment.” Government tells doctors what/how much they can own.
• Sec. 1156, Pg. 317-318, Lines 21-25, 1-3 - “PROHIBITION on Expansion of Facility Capacity.” The government will mandate that hospitals cannot expand (“number of operating rooms or beds”).
• Sec. 1156, Pg. 321, Lines 2-13 - Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required.
• Sec. 1162, Pg. 335-339, Lines 16-25 - The government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures. Rationing.
• Sec. 1162, Pg. 341, Lines 3-9 - The government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans (Part B), HMOs, etc. This will force people into a government plan.

“The Secretary may determine not to identify a Medicare Advantage plan if the Secretary has identified deficiencies in the plan’s compliance with rules for such plans under this part.”
• Sec. 1177, Pg. 354 - Government will RESTRICT enrollment of special needs people! “Extension of Authority of Special Needs Plans to Restrict Enrollment.”
• Sec. 1191, Pg. 379 - Government creates more bureaucracy – “Telehealth Advisory Committee.” HC by phone or the Internet – dial 1 for your health care advice?
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 4-12 - Government mandates Advance (Death) Care Planning consultation. Think Senior Citizens and end of life. END-OF-LIFE COUNSELING. SOME IN THE ADMINISTRATION HAVE ALREADY DISCUSSED RATIONING HEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 17-19 - Government WILL instruct and consult regarding living wills and durable powers of attorney. Mandatory end-of-life planning!
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 425-426, Lines 22-25, 1-3 - Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 427, Lines 15-24 - Government mandates program for orders for life-sustaining treatment (i.e. end of life). The government has a say in how your life ends.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 1-9 - An “advanced care planning consult” will be used as patient’s health deteriorates.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 10-12 - “Advanced Care Consultation” may include an ORDER for end-of-life plans - from the government.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 13-25 - The government will specify which Doctors (professional authority under state law includes Nurse Practitioners or Physician’s Assistants) can write an end-of-life order.
• Sec. 1233, Pg. 430, Lines 11-15 - The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life, according to preset methods (not individually decided).
• Sec. 1302, Pg. 468, Lines 16-21 - “Community-Based Home Medical Services means a nonprofit community-based or state-based organization.”

• Sec. 1302, Pg. 472, Lines 14-17 - PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION: One monthly payment to a community-based organization. Like ACORN?
• Sec. 1308, Pg. 489 - The government will cover Marriage and Family therapy. This will involve government control of your marriage.
• Sec. 1308, Pg. 494-498 - The government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating and rationing those services.
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 502 - Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. Big Brother is watching how your treatment works.
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 13-19 - The government will build registries and data networks from YOUR electronic medical records. “The Center may secure directly from any department or agency of the United States information necessary to enable it to carry out this section.”
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 - The government may secure data directly from any department or agency of the US, including your data.
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 - The “Center” will collect data both “published and unpublished” (that means public & your private information).
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 506, Lines 19-21 - An “Appointed Clinical Perspective Advisory Panel” will advise The Center and recommend policies that would allow for public access of data.
• Sec. 1401, Pg. 518, Lines 21-25 - The Commission will have input from HC consumer representatives.
• Sec. 1411, Pg. 524, Lines 18-22 - Establishes the “Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund.” More taxes for ALL.
• Sec. 1441, Pg. 621, Lines 20-25 - The government will define “NEW Quality” measures in HC. Since when does government know about quality?
• Sec. 1442, Pg. 622, Lines 2-9 - To pay for the Quality Standards, government will transfer money from “qualified entities” (government Trust Funds) to other government Trust Funds. More Taxes.

• Sec. 1442, Pg. 624, Lines 19-23 - Qualified Entities: “The Secretary shall ensure that the entity is a public, nonprofit or academic institution with technical expertise in the area of health quality measurement.”
• Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 5-10 - “Quality” measures shall be designed to assess outcomes and functional status of patients.
• Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 15-17 - “Quality” measures shall be designed to profile you, including race, age, gender, place of residence, etc.
• Sec. 1443, Pg. 628 - The government will give “Multi-Stake Holders” pre-rulemaking input into selection of “quality” measures.
• Sec. 1443, Pg. 630-31, Lines 9-24, 1-9 - Those Multi-Stake Holder groups include unions and groups like ACORN deciding what constitutes quality.
• Sec. 1444, Pg. 632, Lines 14-25 - The government may implement any “Quality measure” of HC services that bureaucrats see fit.
• Sec. 1444, Pg. 632-333, Lines 14-25, 1-9 - The Secretary may issue nonendorsed “Quality Measures” for physician and dialysis services.
• Sec. 1251 (beginning), Pg. 634 to 652 - “Physician Payments Sunshine Provision” – government wants to shine sunlight on Doctors but not government. “Reports on financial relationships between manufacturers and distributors . . . and between physicians and other health care entities.”
• Sec. 1501 (beginning), Pg. 659-670 - Doctors in Residency – government will tell you where your residency will be, thus where you’ll live.
• Sec. 1503 (beginning), Pg. 675-685 - Government will regulate hospitals in EVERY aspect of residency programs, including teaching hospitals.
• Sec. 1601 (beginning), Pg. 685-699 - Increased funding to fight waste, fraud, and abuse. (Like the government with an $18 million website?)
• Sec. 1619, Pg. 700-703 - If your part of HC plan isn’t in the government’s HC Exchange but you qualify for federal aid, you don’t have to pay.
• Sec. 1128G, Pg. 704-708 - If the Secretary determines there is a “significant risk of fraudulent activity,” on HC provider or supplier, the government can do a background check.

• Sec. 1632, Pg. 710, Lines 8-14 - The Secretary has broad powers to deny HC providers and suppliers admittance into HC Exchange. Your doctor could be thrown out of business.
• Sec. 1637, Pg. 718-719 - ANY Doctor who orders durable medical equipment or home medical services is REQUIRED to be enrolled in, or eligible for, Medicare.
• Sec. 1639, Pg. 721 - Government MANDATES that Doctors must have face-to-face with patient to certify patient for home health services.
• Sec. 1639, Pg. 723-24, Lines 23-25, 1-5 - The same government certifications will apply to Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s health plan: Your kids).
• Sec. 1640, Pg. 723, Lines 16-22 - The government reserves right to apply face-to-face certification for patient to ANY other HC service.
• Sec. 1651, Pg. 734, Lines 16-25 - Proposes, for law enforcement sake, that the Secretary of HHS will give Attorney General access to ALL medical data.
• Sec. 1701 (beginning), Pg. 739-756 - The government sets guidelines for subsidizing the uninsured (and you have to pay for them).
• Sec. 1704, Pg. 756-761 - The government will shift burden of payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) to states (your taxes).
• Sec. 1711, Pg. 764 - The government will require preventative services - including vaccinations (no choice).
• Sec. 1713, Pg. 768 - Government-determined Nurse Home Visitation Services (Hello union paybacks).
• Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 3-5 - Nurse Home Visit Services – Service #1: “Improving maternal or child health and pregnancy outcomes or increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” Compulsory ABORTIONS?
• Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 11-14 - Nurse Home Visit Services include determinations of economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement and school-readiness.
• Sec. 1714, Pg. 769 - Federal government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Abortion and government control intertwined.

• Sec. 1733, Pg. 788-798 - Government will set and mandate drug prices, therefore controlling which drugs are brought to market. (Goodbye innovation and private research.)
• Sec. 1744, Pg. 796-799 - Establishes PAYMENTS for graduate medical education. The government will now control your doctor’s education.
• Sec.1751, Pg. 800 - The government will decide which Health Care conditions will be paid. Say “RATION!”
• Sec. 1759, Pg. 809 - Billing Agents, clearinghouses, or other alternate payees are required to register. The government takes over private payment systems too.
• Sec. 1801, Pg. 819-823 - The Government will identify individuals “likely to be ineligible” for subsidies. Will access all personal financial information.
• Sec. 1802, Pg. 823-828 - Government sets up Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund. Another bottomless tax pit.
• Sec. 4375, Pg. 828-832, Lines 12-16 - Government will impose a fee on ALL private health insurance plans, including self-insured, to pay for Trust Fund!
• Sec. 4377, Pg. 835, Lines 11-13 - Fees imposed by government for Trust Fund shall be treated as if they were taxes.
• Sec. 440, Pg. 837-839 - The government will design and implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids and families that are expecting children.
• Sec. 1904, Pg. 843-844 - This Home Visitation Program includes the government coming into your house and teaching/telling you how to parent!
• Sec. 2002, Pg. 858 - The government will establish a Public Health Fund at a cost of $88,800,000,000 (That’s Billions).
• Sec. 2201, Pg. 864 - The government will MANDATE the establishment of a National Health Service Corps.
o Sec. 2201 - “Fulfillment of Obligated Service Requirement”
o Sec. 2201, Pg. 864-875 - The NHS Corps is a program where Doctors perform mandatory HC for 2 years for partial loan repayment.
• Sec. 2212, Pg. 875-891 - The government takes over the education of Medical students and Doctors through education and loans.

• Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 - The government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps to ensure an adequate supply of public health professionals.
• Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 - The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of civilian employees of the United States as Secretary deems necessary.
• Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 - The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of officers of Regular and Reserve Corps of Service.
• Sec. 340M, Pg. 899 - The Public Health Workforce Corps includes veterinarians. Will animals have heath care too?
• Sec. 2233, Pg. 909 - The government will develop, build and run Public Health Training Centers.
• Sec. 2241, Pg. 912-913 - Government starts a HC affirmative action program under the guise of diversity scholarships.
• Sec. 2251, Pg. 915 - Government MANDATES cultural and linguistic competency training for HC professionals.
• Sec. 3111, Pg. 931 - The government will establish a Preventative and Wellness Trust fund, with initial cost of $30,800,000,000 (Billions more).
• Sec. 3121, Pg. 934, Lines 21-22 - Government will identify specific goals and objectives for prevention and wellness activities. More control of your life.
• Sec. 3121, Pg. 935, Lines 1-2 - The government will develop “Healthy People & National Public Health Performance Standards.” They will tell us what to eat?
• Sec. 3131, Pg. 942, Lines 22-25 - “Task Force on Community Preventive Services.” More government? Under the Offices of Surgeon General, Public Health Services, Minority Health and Women’s Health.
• Sec. 3141, Pg. 949-979 - BIG GOVERNMENT core public health infrastructure includes workforce capacity, lab systems, health information systems, etc.
• Sec. 2511, Pg. 992 - Government will establish school-based “health” clinics. Your children will be indoctrinated and your grandchildren may be aborted!

• Sec. 399Z-1, Pg. 993 - School-Based Health Clinics will be integrated into the school environment. More government brainwashing in school.
• Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 - The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked?

Information from Liberty Counsel.

I will be the guy with the orange shirt and Army hat

Congressman Kagen Coming Home

From Jo at FoxPolitics.

Looks like Congressman Kagen will also have a listening session in Appleton.
Kagen listening sessions NEXT WEEK

Listening sessions scheduled by Representative Steve Kagen - 8th District - so far are as follows:
Monday, August 3, 2009, 7:00 PM
Brown County Library - Main Branch
Auditorium - Lower Level
515 Pine Street, Green Bay

Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 10:00 AM
The Thompson Community
Ogilvie Auditorium Center
820 W. College Ave., Appleton

Jo Egelhoff,
" - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities

Thanks Jo for the information.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Come Visit Wisconsin", No Jobs But Visit Us Anyway

If the Wisconsin Economy is so great why is Doyle raising all these taxes? Why are businesses ready to move out of Wisconsin?

With workers losing their jobs maybe we all can be a GREAT tourist attraction.

From Jo at Fox Politics.

"With Governor Doyle's budget proposing billions in new taxes and outlandish legal reforms that threaten his business, Mr. Radke has begun surveying other states' business climates. If the Governor's proposed budget becomes law, he fears he may have to relocate his business, and the jobs that go with it, out of state.

Radke is just one of over 150 Wisconsin business leaders to bring their concerns about state policies and proposals to the Wisconsin Jobs Now Task Force, a working group organized to address the lack of attention in Madison that is given to ideas to grow our economy and create jobs. " - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities

Thank You Diamond Jim Doyle, Steve Kagen and Dave Hansen. We couldn't do it without you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anyone Can Get One

"Wisconsin may become 2nd state to offer driver's cards to illegal immigrants
Plan would establish two-tiered license system

By SCOTT BAUER • The Associated Press • June 2, 2009

MADISON — Wisconsin may soon join Utah as the only states to issue illegal immigrants special cards that allow them to drive but not get other rights that traditional licenses hold." Wisconsin may become 2nd state to offer driver's cards to illegal immigrants | | Green Bay Press-Gazette


Well it's been a while since I posted here. I try to post waste and fraud in Government. Need to rev up the base. July 4th is just around the corner.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Green Bay Tea Party, The Protest Begins

From Try2Focus.

Who will join us.

Who is serious about taking our government back.

"Green Bay Tea Party
Posted on February 26, 2009 by brvanlanen

Congressman Kagen we want to know why you keep supporting pork-laden spending bills. Your socialist friends in Congress and in the White House may think its OK to bailout banks and auto companies. You and your friends may think its OK to create huge economic burdens that will extend to our children and grandchildren by ramming spending bills through Congress with no chance for amendments or real debate, let alone transparency. Guess what Congressman Kagen, your constituents back in Wisconsin don’t approve of all this reckless spending of OUR tax dollars! We are sick of the expansion of current entitlement programs and the creation of new ones!

“We the people” are sick of our voices not being heard by you and your Democratic friends in Washington DC.

In Green Bay we are joining the ranks of cities holding Tea Party protests.

What: Green Bay Tea Party

When: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 11 am - noon

Where: Titletown Brewing Company (Downtown)

This will be an outdoor rally. A march to Congressman Kagen’s office is being planned.

Spread the word and hope to see you there!" Try 2 Focus

Link to other Tea Parties.

If you care, e mail and call all your friends. Call your family. Spread the word.

How much more tax money can you lose?

Count us in for two going March 7th, Green Bay.