Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hatred By The Left, Palin's Church Burns

"Saturday, December 13, 2008
Fire at Sarah Palin's church
Sarah Palin's home church has sustained over a million dollars damage in a suspicious fire. The fire is being investigated as a crime (Fox). " The Recliner Commentaries: Fire at Sarah Palin's church

Link To Fox Story.

I thought the left is compassionate and kind.

Some tin hat wearing lefty must of done this.

Where is the outrage?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wisconsin Freedom Eroded

From Richard Moore at The Lakeland-Times

If you care about our freedom here in Wisconsin, please pass it on

Wisconsin's dirty little secret

"It's been called Wisconsin's dirty little secret. It most certainly is a skeleton in the democratic closet - a scandal if it ever gets out.

Well, it's time to out it.

I'm talking about the state's administrative rule process, by which - you may not know - the state's bureaucracies have effectively staged a coup d'etat over our elected lawmakers. That enables unelected bureaucrats to countermand the intent of laws passed by elected officials.
" Wisconsin's dirty little secret

Link to "Invasives rule would allow DNR to enter private property."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Conservative Talk

From Stepping Right Up.
"As we move forward, I am hoping that dozens of these types of conservatives begin to pop up around the country.

The party of old, washed up, moderate Republicans must come to an end. A party of principled ideology and dedicated public servants is where we are headed. " Stepping Right Up!

Here, here, Bully!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Conservative's Handbook

From The Right View Wisconsin.

From Paul Valentine and excerpts from "The Conservative's Handbook"....Common sense rules!
"The Conservative's Handbook - Part I"

The Right View Wisconsin

Beginning with Chapter 1: America is good.

- We must all understand that America is a great nation. We are generally a positive force in the world.

Chapter 2: Belief in God is the cornerstone of our republic.

- One of the most misused phrases in American culture is "separation of church and state." There is NO such thing as separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution. It is nowhere to be found in the entire document. The First Amendment simply states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or promoting the free exercise thereof." It articulates a freedom OF religion, not a freedom FROM religion.

Chapter 3: Character is the single most important attribute in a leader.

- Anybody who tells you that character isn't important apparently slept through the Clinton administration. Aside from the obvious sexual indiscretions, Bill Clinton committed a series of acts that seriously jeopardized national security. One of the more serious was a waiver he granted that allowed Loral Corporation to provide the Chinese with critical missile guidance technology, a move made over the objections of his own Justice Department. Flash forward to 2007, and the Chinese have successfully tested a missile that blows satellites out of orbit. Thanks, Bill.

Chapter 5: Entrepreneurs are our economic lifeblood and deserve every penny they make.

- Class warfare. It's become the weapon of choice for the left-wing crowd. It's jealousy, pure and simple, and it's such a powerful, consuming emotion that it is easily exploited.

Chapter 6: Families are the building blocks of society.

- Today, less than 25% of families consist of a father, mother and a child or children.

Chapter 7: Guns are good.

- The notion that guns are evil is one of the most dishonest and hypocritical arguments of the left. The fact that Rosie O'Donnell ranted and screamed about banning guns, then employed an armed bodyguard for her kids , should have given any intelligent person cause to distrust the anti-gun crowd.

Draft Palin

From the Maritime Sentry

Ready For Another Draft Movement?
There is a movement called Draft Sarah Palin For President 2012 I wanted to let everyone know about. Now, I will be honest, I did not sign up. I am going to wait and see what Sarah's official policies are when she decides to run; issues like illegal immigration and states rights. I already know she is a good conservative, I just want to know where she stands on a couple of issues that she hasn't addressed. This is not a criticism at all. I understand that running as a VP you have to espouse the views of the top of the ticket. I would like to see Sarah address some of these hot button issues when it is appropriate.

Unless she has different beliefs than I have been told I plan on supporting her fully if she decides to run. I have really been impressed with her media campaign the past couple of days. She is doing considerably better than the McCain people did. Here is a news report on the new draft movement." The Maritime Sentry

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Conservative Party Direction

From Rush Limbaugh . com, Link

"conservatism equals,



free markets,

property rights,

national security."

We need someone to step up to the plate and lead the Conservative Party.

Obviously there are a lot of blue blood centrist RINO's in office.

No they are not allowed in the Conservative Party

Join us!

Bush Wrong No Matter What

From the Huffington Post

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Obama suggested to President Bush that the administration immediately provide extra help to struggling U.S. automakers, aides to the Democrat say, in their first face-to-face meeting since Election Day.

Obama's aides said the president-elect brought up the issue with Bush during their two-hour White House talks on Monday, expressing his view that action is needed now, not just to help the U.S. companies but also the broader economy, because of their enormous reach. Obama raised the idea of an administration point person on autos with a portfolio aimed at improving the long-term health of the companies" Obama Suggested Bush Help Automakers, Aides Say

Obama said Bush should help auto companies now! So what is the difference. If he helps he will be blamed for years of throwing more bailout money away. Bush and republicans raised the deficit! Bush and republicans are wasting your tax dollars! Bush and republicans destroyed the U S car industry..
Bush and republicans screwed our country again!

If he doesn't do anything he will be blamed for letting the big three go out of business and thousands of workers out of work. Bush and republicans blamed for U S depression from big three automakers lack of bailout! Bush and republicans will not help America!. Bush and republicans destroyed the U S car industry.. Bush and republicans screwed our country again!

President Bush and the moderate centrists RINO republicans let the democrats do this to them and they are getting what they deserve.

The President and the republican party cannot win!

No matter what happens Bush and the republicans will fall on the sword again! For as long as this country survives!

It's time for the Conservative Party!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

No, It Wasn't The Conservative Party

From Victor Davis Hanson via View From The Cheap Seats
Beltway Republicans. When the conservative party spends wildly, runs up deficits and justifies them by citing percentages of GDP rather than apologies for trillions borrowed, gives us the likes of the criminally-minded such as Cunningham, Abramoff, and Stevens, the morally dubious like Craig and Foley, and the sycophantic like a Scott McClellan or FEMA’s “Brownie” and the other incompents in high-profile administration jobs, then don’t they naturally lose?" Works and Days » The Day After

It was republicans that, "spends wildly, runs up deficits and justifies them by citing percentages of GDP rather than apologies for trillions borrowed.............". Don't put conservatives in that group!

The new Conservative Party does not accept Rino's, moderates, centrists or empty suits!

From Glenn Beck Via The Maritime Sentry

Conservative, Our Numbers Grow

From The Maritime Sentry.
A good read to a new direction, a new movement.
"Saturday, November 08, 2008
Sunset Of The Republican Party Succumbs To The Sunrise Of Conservatism" The Maritime Sentry

Now that the election is over, and we all know how it turned out...........

Saturday, November 8, 2008

From New Zealand, The Movement Begins

From Pine River World News

"Conservatives win power in New Zealand behind former market trader

November 8, 2008 - 20:10


WELLINGTON, New Zealand - New Zealanders have chosen a multimillionaire former foreign currency trader to head a new conservative government after long-serving left-wing Prime Minister Helen Clark suffered a crushing election defeat.

John Key's conservative National Party easily won power in the South Pacific's largest country." Conservatives win power in New Zealand behind former market trader | - Canada - Features

Ronald Reagan

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Quote Details: Ronald Reagan: Freedom is never more... - The Quotations Page


Ronald Reagan
"Don't be afraid to see what you see."

Quote Details: Ronald Reagan: Don't be afraid to... - The Quotations Page

Friday, November 7, 2008

No problem, It Was Only A Conservative

From Politico.
"November 07, 2008
Categories: Barack Obama
Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'careless' joke

President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan this afternoon to apologize for a joke about her having held "séances" in the White House, an Obama aide said.

“President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan today to apologize for the careless and off handed remark he made during today’s press conference," said transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. "The President-elect expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share and they had a warm conversation."

Obama was asked at his press conference today if he'd spoken to all the "living" presidents.

"I have spoken to all of them who are living," he responded. "I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances."

He was apparently confusing stories about Reagan's consulting with an astrologer with those about other First Ladies -- from Mary Todd Lincoln to Hillary Clinton -- who tried to make contact with figures from the past." Ben Smith's Blog: Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'careless' joke -

Thank You Mr. President for doing the right thing.

Please stay with the teleprompter next time.

But then, it should of never happened to begin with!

Words mean things!

What will we hear next?

The movement begins!

New Trend

From Fairly Conservative

Look! New trend? - Cindy Kilkenny: Fairly Conservative

"Brookfield on Burleigh." in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Tell'em To SHUT UP

From Stepping Right Up in Wisconsin
"Trashing Sarah Palin seems to be all the rage from McCain Campaign aids. Clearly these aides do not want to blame their own incompetence for losing.

Perhaps this will shut the idiots up." Stepping Right Up!

You need to go to her links.

Go girl go, blast em.

California Election

From Red SE Cupp.

"If liberals are suggesting that Obama's election is a referendum on "out-of-touch," "outdated," and "intolerant" conservative values, then how to we explain what happened last night in California?

* No on Proposition 8, to legalize same-sex marriage
* No on decriminalizing prostitution
* No on naming a sewage plant after George W. Bush
* No on removing Jr ROTC from schools" Red S.E. Cupp

How Do we explain this?


The Reagan Party

From Red Tide

" Have Republicans Forgotten What This Man Stood For?" Red Tide

If our party takes a look in the mirror, the image reflected back is not of Ronald Reagan. The true reflection of our party it is of a shattered self, with fragments of core principles that once defined us.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Palin Pubbies

From A Wisconsin blog

"Palin should be iconic--a metaphor--for the kind of candidate that the Pubbies should run, not necessarily what the Party SHOULD run. " Dad29

Barracuda Our Conservative Leader

From the New York Post

Sara Palin is the leader of the new Conservative Party.

That is correct, I so deem that in the next set elections you will start to see only two parties on the ballots.




The movement begins.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vote Tuesday

Who Will You Vote For On November 4th?

The Movement begins!