Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bush Wrong No Matter What

From the Huffington Post

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Obama suggested to President Bush that the administration immediately provide extra help to struggling U.S. automakers, aides to the Democrat say, in their first face-to-face meeting since Election Day.

Obama's aides said the president-elect brought up the issue with Bush during their two-hour White House talks on Monday, expressing his view that action is needed now, not just to help the U.S. companies but also the broader economy, because of their enormous reach. Obama raised the idea of an administration point person on autos with a portfolio aimed at improving the long-term health of the companies" Obama Suggested Bush Help Automakers, Aides Say

Obama said Bush should help auto companies now! So what is the difference. If he helps he will be blamed for years of throwing more bailout money away. Bush and republicans raised the deficit! Bush and republicans are wasting your tax dollars! Bush and republicans destroyed the U S car industry..
Bush and republicans screwed our country again!

If he doesn't do anything he will be blamed for letting the big three go out of business and thousands of workers out of work. Bush and republicans blamed for U S depression from big three automakers lack of bailout! Bush and republicans will not help America!. Bush and republicans destroyed the U S car industry.. Bush and republicans screwed our country again!

President Bush and the moderate centrists RINO republicans let the democrats do this to them and they are getting what they deserve.

The President and the republican party cannot win!

No matter what happens Bush and the republicans will fall on the sword again! For as long as this country survives!

It's time for the Conservative Party!

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